Who am i?
My name is Mani Mohammadi and I am from Iran
I preach to the Muslim people (Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan) I myself was born and raised in a Muslim family and professed a religion that I was taught from very childhood. In 2009, I heard the Good News via the Internet and later, while watching a Christian TV show, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior back in Iran. Having moved to Ukraine to study in 2009, I began to serve in the Iranian Church Father's House. In 2014, we saw a great need in preaching Christ to Iranians and Afghans. Being inspired by the passage from Matthew 28:19, to go and make disciple – the Great Commission of Our Lord, with God's help, we started the mission Face to Face.
Our ministry can be divided into 7 parts
Media Ministry
Iran and Afghanistan are two countries in which Christians live in severe persecution.
Afghanistan is ranked second in the whole world for persecution of Christians, and Iran is eighth country.
Believing, preaching, possessing Christian literature in these countries is prohibited and persecuted by the state and religious system even to the death penalty, therefore any missionary who comes to this country will be persecuted.
The most accessible source for listening to the preaching of the Word of God is the Internet and television. But using these tools as missionaries, we're able to enter every home.
In order to share the Gospel through these means, we collect and accumulate video material in different directions.
We're convinced that the spiritual nourishment should be varied. Sermons, discipleship lessons, Bible interpretation, leadership, lessons for small group, classes on family topics, as well as lessons for women, youth, and children.
Even during a week, we can have about 13 different online lessons. Every day, 1 hour a day, we broadcast offline TV programs via the Your Time TV satellite. All online, offline broadcasts and preparation of video content pass through our studio. Our studio is a great blessing from the Lord for allowing us to do such a different job.
Media Platforms
We try to draw our students, listeners, viewers through social media platforms:
Facebook - 180,000 subscribers,
Instagram - 5000,
YouTube - 2000,
Telegram - 900,
Twitter - 500
and website (persianchristians.com) Every day, we update our sites to provide relevant and up-to-date information.
A lot of our disciples are willing to enter into the Covenant with God and get baptized.
For our part, we also see this as our direct duty to help everyone who wants to take this important step towards God, so we took upon ourselves the responsibility to baptize everyone we are familiar with.
For this purpose, we help people come from Iran to Armenia and, after training and personal conversations with them, we carry out the baptism.
And what's important is that we encourage them to start small groups in Iran. With God's help, from January 2020 to 2023, we managed to baptize over 150 Iranians.
Core Values
The bible and the World of God (Christ) Matthew 28:19-20
People will die without Jesus Christ.
My people are also the people of the Iran and Afghanistan.
Therefore, according to the word of God, i'm not allowed to be silent.
Good News for people of the world and Muslims - this is the call for Christians. -
Every person
A New Generation of Evangelists and ministers.